Updates from the Fort Greene Food Co-op Committee

Behind on my email since starting a new job, so I missed posting about the co-op meeting that was last night. (Sorry!) Here's more info on the progress being made, with info on the various committees one can join:

-- A Telephone Number We now can be reached by phone! You can leave messages and have someone get back to you by calling the coop voicemail at 718-208-4778.

-- Google Groups Some committees have found it useful to organize and communicate via Google Groups -- these groups are a way for committees to have email discussions and allows them to post group documents. Also, you can go back and see what each group has been discussing. The addresses for these groups are below. They are open to anyone; to join, click the link and follow the sign-up procedure. If you would like to be put in contact with the co-chairs of any of these committees, please send an email to clintongreenefoodcoop@gmail.com.

Steering Committee http://groups.google.com/group/clinton-hillfort-greene-coop-steering-commitee

Merchandising Committee http://groups.google.com/group/clinton-greene-food-coop-merchandising

Location/Lease Committee http://groups.google.com/group/clinton-greene-food-coop-locationlease

Outreach/Membership Committee http://groups.google.com/group/clinton-greene-food-coop-outreachmembership

Business/Finance Committee http://groups.google.com/group/clinton-greene-food-coop-businessfinance

Governance Committee http://groups.google.com/group/clinton-greene-coop-governance

IT Committee http://groups.google.com/group/clinton-greene-food-coop-it

That's it for this week, but there's a lot happening and we're eager to share what the many future members of the coop have been working on -- keep your eyes out for more updates soon. Thanks, Scott Lamb Outreach Committee