Hours for Customers: Greenlight Bookstore

Last week, I made most amazing discovery ever:  A LOCAL (NON GROCERY) SHOP THAT IS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FROM 10AM-10PM.  I have been in to Greenlight Bookstore before, but I never realized just how accommodating they were. In addition to offering a great selection (best sellers and NYC-centric books) and a beautiful space, they also host regular readings and author events.  And are actually open after work.  Wayyy after work.

I try to patronize as many local businesses as I can, and I know as a small business owner it's difficult to keep early and late hours every day.  But it is frustrating to come home and need something, try to pick it up from a local shop and then realize they've all closed at 6 or 7pm.  Greenlight makes it easy for me to keep it local.

To show my appreciation, I will be spending my 3/50 local spending money this month at Greenlight, buying at least one book a week at 9:45 pm (because I can!).  First up, City Kid by Nelson George.

Clinton Hill Dog Run?

Neighbors with dogs have been interested in a full-time dog run for awhile now to cater to those who cannot make off-leash hours (or who have playful dogs who thrive with more exercise off-leash).  It looks like the Myrtle Ave Brooklyn Partnership is organizing a community meeting around the idea of adding a dog run under the BQE.  I'm in favor- the space there is underused, so why not be creative about its potential? Props to MARP for their forward thinking. Here's the info I have from the group:

Please forward this email to any dog owners in the area who might be interested in discussing this and sharing their ideas.  This should be a quick meeting to gauge interest in this idea.  If the community displays to MARP that we like this idea, they will likely back this plan and help it become a reality.  So please spread the word and route your evening dog walk over to clinton ave & the BQE to find out what the buzz is about.
Community Meeting w/ Clinton Hill Dog Run & MARP
RE: Potential BQE 'All-Weather Dog Run'
on Tuesday 4/27 7PM
@ Clinton Ave underneath the BQE
BYO Dog!