Clinton-Washington Neighborhood Patrol

I've seen it twice now -- a white car with yellow lights on top bearing a sign that says Clinton-Washington Neighborhood Patrol. cwpatrol.jpg

The car is operated by Command Security Corporation, which is the private security company for the Clinton Hill Co-Ops. I'm told they will be patrolling near the co-ops, as well as a few other complexes in the area. They'll be driving around as well as checking up on guards.

I hope the route includes Waverly after dark to fend off car break-ins, and after school hours.

The Met Scrambles for Some Cred

After all these comments on the Met on Fulton, I'm sure glad that it's not the closest grocery store to me! Looks like the opening of Green Planet (and maybe some of the remarks here on the interwebs) have the Met trying to make themselves look better. This just in from reader Rachel:

I found this really interesting: Met Foods now has a painted sign on their window claiming “Largest fresh organic products in the area.” I went in to see if there were, in fact, any fresh organic products and was hard-pressed to find any (just the usual half-rotten produce they usually carry). It’s clearly a reaction to the threat of all the discerning customers shopping at Green Planet, but why lie? I find it very fitting that the bunny painted next to the sign looks more like a giant rat…


Heh. It actually does kinda look like a rat!

A Tour of Cambridge

Cambridge is one of those streets I just never have a reason to walk down. The other day, while out taking photos, I decided to take a little detour. It paid off handsomely, with discoveries like these: looks like a face

This little garden entrance looks like a face!

skinny building

Skinny house!

strange tiny house

I love how this one is slightly crooked, and set back a little from the street.

pretty details

I love the details on these gingerbread-esque row houses!

Not pictured is the man I spotted pulling down his pants and taking a shit on the sidewalk. That's right. I saw someone shitting on a Thursday afternoon, right here on Cambridge.